Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
What is TF-CBT?
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT) is a collaborative and talking therapy for people who have experienced trauma and who may also have PTSD. Survivors may feel shocked, scared, angry, and vulnerable. Some people with time will move through their experience without professional help, but for some the effects can last much longer. This therapy is suited for these individuals.
Common issues TF-CBT can treat
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be used to treat the following trauma symptoms:
Re-experiencing memories of event
Heightened sense of threat and vigilance
Avoidance of reminders
Changes in beliefs about self, world, people and future.
How can TF-CBT help me?
Based on the relationship with your therapist, therapy may include one or all of the following techniques:
Grounding and stabilization: relaxation exercises that keep you focused in here and now.
Working with memories: talking, writing, drawing, and imagining to process the memories of the event.
Working with beliefs: after an event, people tend to look at life differently from how they did before. This work includes making sense of what you thought at time of event and deciding how you think about yourself, the world, and others in a fair way now, post-event.
Reclaiming your life: learning strategies on how to take back the things you once enjoyed or constructing anew life.
How quickly does TF-CBT work?
Alleviation of symptoms can range depending on how often your sessions are, the relationship you have with your therapist, techniques practiced, homework assignments completed, and readiness to address symptoms. This type of therapy can also be used in combination with other therapies.
If you’d like to book an appointment or learn more about TF-CBT, please contact us today.