Health and safety
COVID-19 Update
At Edgar Psychological we care deeply about your well-being and the health of our community. At this time, our therapists are conducting in-person sessions as well as online and telephone therapy sessions for new and existing clients.
Please feel free to contact us or reach out to your treating psychologist if you have questions or would like to schedule an online therapy session or an in-person session.
In-Person Client Contact Guidelines
General Measures:
Edgar Psychological has conducted a hazard assessment in order to identify existing and potential hazards related to COVID-19.
When hazards related to COVID-19 cannot be completely eliminated, the following hierarchy of controls should be followed:
First choice: Isolate the hazard (Engineering controls): These control the hazard at the source by isolating the hazard and by physically directing actions to reduce the opportunity for human error. Examples include placing barriers or partitions between workers, removing seats from lunchrooms and dining areas, re-arranging lockers, restricting general access to the business and increasing ventilation.
Second choice: Change behaviour (Administrative controls): These controls change the way workers, volunteer and patrons interact through the implementation of policies, procedures, training and education. Examples include policies for physical distancing, limiting hours of operations and respiratory etiquette and providing adequate facilities, supplies and reminders for hand hygiene, and developing appropriate worker-to-patron ratios. Increased frequency of cleaning as outlined above is also required.
Third choice: Use protective equipment (PPE): PPE controls are the last tier in the hierarchy and should not be relied upon exclusively. PPE is dependent on type of activity and risk of exposure to a pathogen/sick person. PPE is necessary when physical distancing of 2 metres or physical barriers cannot be maintained by administrative and engineering controls. PPE controls the hazard at the worker, volunteer and patron level. Examples of PPE include gloves, eye protection, gown, face protections, face masks.
Distancing Measures:
Whenever possible, sessions should be held online or over the phone to prevent additional in-person contact. (Engineering Control)
All clients entering the clinic should use the front door only and should remain in the waiting room until they are called into session. Clients should not be moving freely throughout the clinic except when going to and from the washroom or when accompanied by their therapist. (Engineering Control/Administrative Control)
Approximately 10-12 chairs will be removed from the waiting room so as the ensure proper physical distancing (2 meters) is maintained between clients in the waiting room. (Engineering Control)
In instances where 2-meter physical distancing cannot be maintained (such as in some therapy rooms) personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn by both the therapist and the client. This includes face masks and gloves. (PPE Control)
Therapists and staff should avoid congregating in small spaces such as the basement kitchen area, the second-floor open space at the top of the stairs, in therapy rooms, and around the front administration desk. (Administrative Control)
Cleaning Measures:
Therapists and staff should be routinely washing their hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds regularly throughout the day or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content. Hands should be washed after any physical contact with clients and following each session. (Administrative Control)
The debit machine is to be sterilized following each use using sanitary-wipes or other cleaning supplies supplied by the clinic. (Administrative Control)
The front desk should be disinfected and wiped down at the end of every day or before the final administrator on shift leaves for the day. (Administrative Control)
The clinic will continue to be cleaned weekly. (Engineering Control)
Surfaces should be wiped down twice. Once to remove any dirt or visible soil and a second time with disinfectant to clean the surface. (Administrative Control)
Disinfectants should have a Drug Identification Number (DIN) and a virucidal claim (efficacy against viruses). (Administrative Control)
Therapists and staff should avoid touching their face, mouth, eyes, and nose unless their hands have been thoroughly washed. (Administrative Control)
High contact areas such as phones, doorknobs, light switches, toilet handles, faucets and taps, keyboards, computers, computer mice, etc. should be cleaned regularly and daily. (Administrative Control)
Disposable towels and spray cleaners, or disposable wipes, will be available to therapists and staff (as necessary) patrons to regularly clean commonly used surfaces. (Engineering Control)
Communal items such as magazines should be removed from the waiting area. (Engineering Control)
Screening for Symptoms:
Clients, therapists, or staff that are sick with cold-like symptoms such as cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat or shortness of breath, MUST NOT be in the clinic. (Engineering Control)
Any clients who exhibit the symptoms indicated above should be asked to leave and encouraged to return home. (Administrative Control)
Any therapists or staff who exhibit the symptoms indicated above should be asked to leave and encouraged to return home. (Administrative Control)
As per the changes to the Employment Standards Code, full and part time employees are entitled to 14 days of job protected leave in instances where: (Engineering Control)
They are required to isolate; and/or
They are caring for a child or dependent adult who is required to isolate;
Neither of which require a medical note.
Personal Protective Equipment:
PPE should be worn in any instance where maintaining physical distances of 2 meters is not possible. (PPE Control)
Administrators should wear PPE (gloves and masks) when clients are waiting in the waiting room. Masks must be worn correctly (covering both mouth and nose). (PPE Control)
The clinic is to maintain an adequate supply of PPE at all times to ensure worker and client safety. (PPE Control)
A physical barrier should be erected around the front desk (acrylic plastic window, plexi-glass, etc.) to maintain staff safety. (Engineering Control/PPE Control)
If PPE is unavailable, all physical client contact in the clinic should be halted until additional PPE can be procured. (Administrative Control)
Edgar Psychological management will be ultimately responsible for ensuring that all guidelines indicated above are being adhered to and followed correctly.
Therapists and staff are also responsible for familiarizing themselves with this document and adhering to the procedures and policies outlined within it.